Evidence > Galaxies
For an explanation of the terms and concepts used on this page see Behaviour.
NGC 1300 NGC 1300 is an unusual galaxy in that the outer arms are AGM Excluded Phase and the inner core is AGM Mixed Phase. That is because it has formed relatively recently. The outer arms are the remains of the dense core of one or more old galaxies. These are tidal spirals. They are at an early stage in the process and are being shredded by tidal effects and antigravity matter drag. They are bright, dense and have clearly defined texture. Any stars which escape from these dense regions are blown away by antigravity matter wind flowing past the arms as they orbit.
Further in towards the centre the galaxy has a softer texture. These stars have probably relatively recently escaped from the two spiral arms. They have then lost energy to antigravity matter drag and are now collecting in the centre.
The arms also include strongly defined molecular clouds separated from the stars. These are also AGM Excluded Phase matter. They have strongly defined shapes because the gas and dust in them is contained by the antigravity matter around them. These clouds continue through the galaxy bar almost to the centre. This demonstrates that antigravity matter surrounds them within this core. Most of the mass of this galaxy is in the dense outer arms. The antigravity matter vortex is therefore mostly being driven by the outer arms. It is likely that the antigravity matter density reduction is quite flat inside the radius of the outer arms. A flat density reduction means that orbital velocity is proportional to radius and that there is no winding. This is what allows the galaxy bar to exist without being distorted.
In time the arms will be completely shredded. The stars will gain enough energy to escape the antigravity matter containment, and the resulting galaxy disc will be predominantly gas-like phase. Also in time more stars will collect in the centre, the density in the centre will increase as the stars lose energy to antigravity matter drag. Eventually the core will become liquid-like phase. This will be a reversal of the current situation. In yet more time the galaxy disc will all fall into the core and the galaxy will become an elliptical.
NGC 4622 NGC 4622 is at a later stage of the galaxy merging process than NGC1300 above. The outer arms consist of mainly gas-like AGM Mixed Phase stars, but also contain many small dense AGM Excluded Phase globular clusters. The globular clusters are shrinking as stars and other material is stripped away. As they shrink their interstellar gas and dust is exposed to the local antigravity matter wind. The gas and dust is affected by antigravity matter drag more strongly than the stars and the groups of stars. The antigravity matter wind drives it away so that it forms molecular clouds. Several of the globular clusters have visible molecular cloud trails spiralling outwards. These show the relative direction of the local antigravity matter wind. This is easier to see in this larger picture here.
The inner reverse spiral is caused by individual stars being stripped out of the small dense group of globular clusters below centre by antigravity matter drag. They lag behind the source group because these stars are partly supported by the antigravity matter that is flowing outwards and pushing them away from the centre. As a result they do not immediately fall inwards and overtake. They just slow down and get left behind by the source group. Eventually they fall inwards creating the reverse spiral.
© Copyright Tim E Simmons 2009 to 2016. Last updated 11th August 2016.