Behaviour |
This page gives an overview of
antigravity matter behaviour. For a
justification see the Antigravity Matter paper.
Antigravity Matter Basics
1) The universe contains a thin atmosphere of antigravity matter (grey on the right). Particles of antigravity matter have positive mass (clarification) but are repelled from themselves and from normal matter (that is stars, planets, us, etc). They rarely interact with normal matter or electromagnetic radiation except via antigravity. Most antigravity matter particles are spread out thinly and fairly evenly throughout interstellar and intergalactic space. The expansion of the universe has left them with low velocity relative to their neighbours. |
2) Normal matter objects (purple on the right) repel antigravity matter and cause a hole (white on the right). The edge of the hole is the object’s AGM Boundary. In some circumstances there can be almost a step change in density of antigravity matter at the AGM Boundary. The sun’s AGM Boundary is at an average radius of about 0.11 lightyears. The AGM Exclusion Density is the average density of normal matter in a region of space that will completely exclude antigravity matter from within that region. A first example of this density is given by the mass of a star divided by the volume within its AGM Boundary. |
3) Normal matter objects, antigravity matter particles and photons all feel a net attraction to any region of space which has a reduced density of antigravity matter (lighter grey on the right) due to an unbalanced lack of repulsion. |
4) The hole around a normal matter object therefore adds to its gravity. However this effect is insignificant at close range. For example the apparent gravity of the Sun is increased by a factor of about (1 + 4 × 10-10) at a radius of 130 AU, which is approximately the distance of Voyager 1 from the Sun. Closer in to the Sun the effect is even weaker. |
5) The deep space antigravity matter atmosphere has the bulk properties of density, temperature and pressure. It usually has a low but non-zero temperature because of the expansion of the universe. |
6) Antigravity matter sometimes flows in vortices in the same way that air does in the earth’s atmosphere. An antigravity matter vortex causes a reduction in density of antigravity matter near the centre. This reduction in density generates a gravity field and a pressure gradient. Each of these can dominate the vortex depending on the circumstances. The gravity field attracts normal matter objects and photons as well as antigravity matter particles. |
7) Antigravity matter causes drag to normal matter objects that are passing through it because they disturb it and pass kinetic energy to it. AGM Drag can operate on small or large scales depending on the situation. Normal matter gasses passing through regions of antigravity matter feel AGM Drag from rare particle level collisions. Stars feel AGM Drag because their AGM Boundary is distorted by the antigravity matter wind. The antigravity matter in front of them is closer and denser than the antigravity matter behind them. |
As described above in Antigravity Matter Basics 2) antigravity matter is repelled from a normal matter object and an AGM Boundary forms. The normal matter can be in the form of many densely packed gravitationally bound objects such as stars in a globular cluster or elliptical galaxy. A shared AGM Boundary forms around the centre of gravity. The normal matter within the shared AGM Boundary is on average at the AGM Exclusion Density. There is little antigravity matter within the shared AGM Boundary so moving objects do not feel AGM Drag. They retain their kinetic and potential energy. Some of the objects may have enough energy to pass outwards through the shared AGM Boundary. In that case they develop an AGM Boundary of their own. As they push the antigravity matter out of the way they are affected by AGM Drag. They often lose energy and fall back into the group. As a result of AGM Drag the average density of the group tends to stabilise at about the AGM Exclusion Density. |
The normal matter can be in the form of molecules of gas and particles of dust. This is the case within a molecular cloud. If the cloud is at the AGM Exclusion Density an AGM Boundary forms around the cloud. This gives the cloud a clearly defined surface and a globular appearance. If the cloud is below the AGM Exclusion Density the normal matter and antigravity matter are mixed. That situation usually does not last long because either:- · AGM Drag reduces the energy of the normal matter particles until they become dense enough to expel the antigravity matter, or · Higher energy normal matter molecules are swept away by movement of the antigravity matter leaving only lower energy molecules behind. Once again the average density of the cloud tends to stabilise at about the AGM Exclusion Density. |
The AGM Exclusion Density therefore drives many aspects of normal matter behaviour in the universe. Set out in the Antigravity Matter paper is an attempt to quantify the AGM Exclusion Density and other parameters relating to antigravity matter. A summary of the findings from that page is as follows:-
Antigravity Matter and a Rotating Galaxy With reference to the diagram on the right:- A - Deep space is filled with a thin atmosphere of antigravity matter (grey). B - Normal matter objects (purple) in the galaxy disc are passing through antigravity matter as they orbit the galaxy. They experience drag and gradually fall inwards towards the core. Drag sometimes causes them to group together and form spiral arms. Spiral arms can be produced by two mechanisms involving antigravity matter. Both of these are demonstrated in Galaxy Simulations. Tidal spirals are produced when a group of stars is distorted by the gravitational influence of the antigravity matter vortex it creates when it orbits another object. Drag spirals are produced by the mechanism described in Behaviour > Drag Spirals. C - The density of normal matter in a typical dense inner core has reached the AGM Exclusion Density. There is therefore little antigravity matter within the inner core. Normal matter objects in the inner core do not feel drag. They retain their kinetic energy and the inner core retains its bulging shape and its size. The inner core receives more kinetic energy as objects in the galaxy disc fall in, but loses kinetic energy and angular momentum as higher energy objects are ejected into the surrounding antigravity matter. These ejected objects form a lower density fringe of stars in the outer core. Most of these ejected objects lose energy to antigravity matter drag and eventually fall back into the inner core. D - The orbiting disc also drives an antigravity matter vortex as described below in AGM Vortex. The vortex causes a reduction in density of antigravity matter around the galaxy and outside the many AGM Boundaries. The reduction in density of antigravity matter generates an attraction to the centre. This effect of the antigravity matter vortex is often so strong that it dominates the galaxy. The antigravity matter density reduction caused by the vortex appears to give the galaxy a dark matter halo. However the antigravity matter displaced dynamically by the vortex piles up outside the galaxy. There is a region of increased density antigravity matter around the galaxy. Further away from the galaxy the density of antigravity matter falls back to the background density.
The diagram on the right gives an indication of how antigravity matter is distributed around a rotating galaxy. Lighter locations correspond with a reduced density of antigravity matter. The antigravity matter density reduction has several components:-
As described in Antigravity Matter Basics 3) above normal matter objects, antigravity matter particles and photons all feel a net attraction to any region of space which has a reduced density of antigravity matter. One of the most significant causes of a reduction in density of antigravity matter is the antigravity matter vortex. There are several different variations. |
An antigravity matter vortex can be created by a rotating galaxy disc. Flow of antigravity matter within the vortex is as shown in the diagram on the left. Normal matter objects orbiting in the disc drive the antigravity matter to orbit as well. This causes antigravity matter to be thrown outwards in the plane of the disc, and causes a reduction in the density of antigravity matter within the vortex.
Antigravity matter is attracted towards the centre of the vortex because of that reduction in density. The antigravity matter in the galaxy plane is given a centripetal acceleration so that it follows a spiral path outwards. The antigravity matter in deep space away from the plane of the disc is attracted inwards.
Normal matter objects are also attracted towards the centre because of the reduction in density of antigravity matter. Normal matter objects orbiting the galaxy have to move fast to maintain their radius. The gravity-like effect of the antigravity matter vortex is often so strong that it dominates the galaxy. The antigravity matter that has been dynamically displaced by the vortex piles up around the outside of the galaxy. This has little effect within the galaxy but for objects outside this region the attractive effect of the vortex cancels out to nothing. Much of the antigravity matter in that region falls back towards the axis above and below the disc and back into the galaxy. Its angular momentum causes the vortex to extend above and below the galaxy disc. This type of vortex is not self-sustaining. The energy of the vortex is being constantly transported into deep space. As a result it has to be driven by the galaxy disc. The orbits of the normal matter objects in the disc gradually decay until they eventually join the core of the galaxy. A spiral galaxy eventually becomes an elliptical galaxy if no new stars are added to the disc. Antigravity matter causes the flatness of spiral galaxies by the following mechanisms:-
The shape of the vortex region is highly variable. For example:-
The same vortex flow pattern can apply on a much larger scale to a galaxy cluster if it has some net rotation as shown on the left. If the cluster does not have an overall net rotation it is likely to include many smaller vortices and much chaotic movement of the galaxies. Antigravity matter is heated and swept out of the centre of the cluster by the movement of the galaxies within the cluster. As with a spiral galaxy the antigravity matter that has been dynamically displaced piles up around the cluster with a density greater than the background density. An observer who assumed the gravity field was caused by dark matter might interpret this region of increased density of antigravity matter as being caused by negative mass dark matter. The same flow pattern can also apply on a much smaller scale when stars in a binary pair are orbiting each other as shown on the right. A binary system is much smaller than the G/P Limit so the behaviour of antigravity matter is dominated by AGM Pressure rather than by antigravity between particles. |
Antigravity matter can also flow in toroidal vortices. This is a similar flow pattern to a smoke ring. The circulation generates a ring of lower density antigravity matter. Normal matter objects, antigravity matter particles and photons are all attracted to the ring. This flow pattern is much more stable. Just like smoke rings antigravity matter toroidal vortices can cross large distance without needing extra energy. |
Supernova Remnants The behaviour of supernova remnants is heavily influenced by antigravity matter. Two pathways for the development of supernova remnants are described in the following links:- Behaviour
> Supernova Remnants – Ring Behaviour
> Supernova Remnants – Spherical |
© Copyright Tim E Simmons 2008 to 2023. Last updated 21st October 2023. Major changes are logged in AGM Change Log.